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Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Netflix: Asterix & Obelix: Il duello dei capi - La nuova serie animata disponibile dal 30 Aprile


Asterix & Obelix: Il duello dei capi, l’attesissima nuova serie animata con protagonisti gli irriducibili Galli ideati da René Goscinny e Albert Uderzo, sarà disponibile solo su Netflix dal 30 aprile.

 La serie, una moderna interpretazione del mondo unico di Asterix e Obelix, è diretta da Alain Chabat e Fabrice Joubert, ed è prodotta da Alain Goldman in collaborazione con Les Éditions Albert René.

 Roma vuole disperatamente conquistare l’ultimo villaggio indipendente della Gallia, casa di Asterix e Obelix. Il segreto della superiorità in battaglia dei Galli è una pozione magica, ma quando il creatore della pozione perde la memoria, gli abitanti del villaggio vengono lasciati a loro stessi contro la potenza di Roma.


Creata da: Alain Chabat

Basata sul lavoro originale di: René Goscinny e Albert Uderzo

Regia di: Alain Chabat e Fabrice Joubert

Diritti di adattamento: Les Editions Albert René

Adattamento e Dialoghi: Alain Chabat, Benoît Oullion e Piano

Prodotta da: Alain Goldman

Studi di Animazione: TAT Productions


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Monday, October 7, 2024

Cristiana Dell' Anna è Francesca Cabrini: il film evento arriva al cinema il 13 il 14 e il 15 ottobre


La nuova pellicola diretta dal regista messicano è Francesca Cabrini, biopic dedicato alla patrona degli emigranti Santa Francesca Saverio Cabrini, fondatrice della delle Missionarie del Sacro Cuore di Gesù. Uscito lo scorso marzo negli USA, il film ha raggiunto la quarta posizione del Box Office, incassando circa 20 milioni di dollari nel solo Nord America.

Francesca Cabrini arriverà finalmente nei cinema italiani con una uscita evento il 13-14-15 ottobre, distribuito da Dominus Production, realtà distributiva fondata da Federica Picchi Roncali, che promuove opere cinematografiche basate su storie vere dai temi socialmente rilevanti.

Scritto da Rod Barr e Alejandro Monteverde, Francesca Cabrini racconta un’epopea di fede al femminile, partita da Sant’Angelo Lodigiano, piccolo comune della provincia Lombarda, e arrivata nel cuore degli Stati Uniti seguendo i sogni e le sofferenze degli italiani che cercavano fortuna in America.

Madre Cabrini è interpretata da Cristiana Dell’Anna, attrice nota al pubblico per le sue interpretazioni in Gomorra, È stata la Mano di Dio, Mixed by Erry, Piove e nominata ai David di Donatello per Qui rido io di Mario Martone.
Insieme all’attrice troviamo Giancarlo Giannini, nel ruolo di Papa Leone XIII, e con lui due volti noti del cinema internazionale: John Lithgow (6 Emmy Awards; The Crown, Killers of the Flower Moon) e David Morse (Il Miglio Verde, The Hurt Locker).
Nel cast anche Romana Maggiora Vergano (reduce dal successo di C’è ancora domani e della serie Amazon Those about to die) insieme ai giovani Federico Ielapi (Pinocchio di Matteo Garrone) e a Virginia Bocelli, figlia di Andrea Bocelli (11 anni) e qui al suo debutto cinematografico.

Virginia è anche protagonista insieme al papà Andrea Bocelli della colonna sonora del film, con il brano portante 'Dare To Be' (Capital/Universal Music), un inno al potere della fede e della perseveranza, già disponibile su tutte le piattaforme.

Il film è prodotto da Jonathan Sanger e Leo Severino, e ha come produttori esecutivi Francesca Cabrini, J. Eustace Wolfington, Veronica Berti Bocelli e Riccardo Neri per l’italiana Lupin Film.

L’uscita nelle sale italiane di Francesca Cabrini sarà affiancata da una serie di eventi nelle sale cinematografiche di alcune città. Verranno forniti maggiori dettagli nei prossimi giorni e potrete trovare ulteriori info sul sito ufficiale del film.


Nei bassifondi di New York, sull’isola di Manhattan, abitati alla fine dell’Ottocento da chi è senza speranza, si muove l’italiana Francesca Cabrini, inviata dal Papa ma ostacolata dall’Arcivescovo locale e dalle istituzioni cittadine. C’è un antidoto al dolore e al degrado?

Francesca Cabrini è la prima donna a capo di una missione oltreoceano, in una città le cui fondamenta, a detta degli stessi newyorkesi, sono le ossa di migranti e le cui strade sono l’unico luogo di vita possibile per i numerosi orfani.
“Siamo partiti per l’America credendo che le strade fossero lastricate d’oro e invece abbiamo scoperto che sono ricoperte di bambini”, così un immigrato italiano scrive in una lettera. Il coraggio e la ferrea volontà di non permettere ad alcuno di interferire con i suoi progetti apostolici ed educativi consentono alla protagonista di superare gli ostacoli, politici, culturali ed economici, di aprire nuovi orizzonti di senso e di accendere la speranza.

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Friday, October 4, 2024

Make A Wish Film Festival 2024: Here Are the Winners


On Monday, September 30th, the winners of the Make A Wish Film Festival 2024 were announced. Here they are:

Best Short Film Screenplay: Epilogue

Best Unproduced Short Film Screenplay: In Love We Trust

Best Cinematography: The Daltons

Best Sound (Soundtrack): Epilogue

Best Director: Vivian Cheung

Best International Actor: Akshaya Pattanayak

Best Italian Actor: Luca Ambrosino

Best Actress: Teresa Picciano

Best Young Actress: Clara Mandel

Also awarded Best Short Film: For Roy

This year, 20 were selected to participate in the competition. The next winner could be you! Submit your entry now!

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Make A Wish Film Festival 2024: Ecco i vincitori


In data, lunedì 30 Settembre sono stati Annunciati i vincitori del Make A Wish Film Festival 2024, ecco quali:
Miglior sceneggiatura per un corto: Epilogue,
Miglior sceneggiatura non prodotta per un corto: In love we trust
Migliore fotografia: The Daltons
Miglior suono (colonna sonora): Epilogue
Miglior regista: Vivian Cheung
Miglior attore internazionale: Akshaya Pattanayak
Miglior attore italiano: Luca Ambrosino
Migliore attrice: Teresa Picciano
Miglior giovane attrice: Clara Mandel

Premiato inoltre il miglior corto: For Roy

Quest’anno sono stati selezionati in 20 per partecipare al Concorso. Il prossimo vincitore potresti essere tu! Candidati anche tu!

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Friday, September 27, 2024

A Tribute to Maggie Smith: A Legacy of Brilliance on Stage and Screen


In the pantheon of great British actors, few names command the reverence that Dame Maggie Smith does. A career spanning over seven decades, Maggie Smith has become synonymous with depth, versatility, and an unparalleled commitment to her craft. Whether portraying a sharp-tongued Dowager Countess or embodying a Shakespearean heroine, Smith has captured the hearts of audiences worldwide with her remarkable talent.
A Star is Born

Born Margaret Natalie Smith on December 28, 1934, in Ilford, Essex, Maggie Smith was destined for greatness. Her love for the stage emerged early, leading her to the Oxford Playhouse at just 17. By the 1950s, she was already captivating audiences, making her Broadway debut in New Faces of 1956. It was clear even then that her brilliance would not be confined to the stage.
Commanding the Stage

Smith’s mastery of the stage is a testament to her profound understanding of character and dialogue. She became a standout performer at the National Theatre under Laurence Olivier’s direction, where she left an indelible mark with her performances in productions like The Importance of Being Earnest, Hedda Gabler, and The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie. The latter, a defining role, earned her her first Academy Award in 1969 for Best Actress.

Her ability to balance vulnerability with strength, humor with tragedy, has made her a beloved figure in both classical and contemporary theater. Smith’s performances in Shakespearean works such as Othello and Much Ado About Nothing demonstrated her extraordinary range, while her turn in Alan Bennett’s The Lady in the Van further solidified her standing as one of the most versatile actors of her generation.
A Screen Legend

While her stage work is legendary, Maggie Smith’s film career has made her a household name. She is perhaps best known to contemporary audiences as Professor Minerva McGonagall in the Harry Potter series. Yet, her resume is filled with a dazzling array of roles that speak to her incredible range—from comedies to dramas, period pieces to modern classics.

Her portrayal of the Dowager Countess of Grantham in Downton Abbey remains one of the most iconic roles of her career. With her sharp wit, biting sarcasm, and impeccable timing, Smith made the character a global sensation, earning three Emmys and a renewed wave of admiration from critics and fans alike.
A Career of Accolades

Throughout her illustrious career, Maggie Smith has garnered numerous awards and honors. Beyond her two Academy Awards, she has received seven BAFTAs, four Primetime Emmys, a Tony Award, and a Screen Actors Guild Award. She was made a Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in 1990, a fitting tribute to a woman who has given so much to the world of performance.
A Lasting Legacy

At the heart of Maggie Smith’s enduring appeal is her remarkable ability to bring characters to life with nuance, precision, and grace. Whether portraying aristocrats or schoolteachers, Shakespearean heroines or modern-day eccentrics, Smith imbues each role with humanity, depth, and wit.

Her influence on generations of actors cannot be overstated. From her work with the National Theatre to her scene-stealing turns in Downton Abbey, she has set a standard for excellence that few can match. For aspiring performers, she remains an enduring inspiration, proof that dedication to craft, a passion for storytelling, and a refusal to be typecast can lead to greatness.

As Maggie Smith continues to grace both stage and screen, audiences around the world can be thankful for the indelible mark she has left on the arts. Her legacy is one of brilliance, humor, and unyielding commitment to her craft—qualities that will continue to inspire and captivate for generations to come.

Dame Maggie Smith is more than an actress; she is an institution. From her early days on stage to her commanding presence on the big screen, she has gifted the world with performances that transcend time and genre. It is no wonder that she is beloved by so many, a living legend whose contributions to theater and cinema will be cherished forever.


©2024 The Hidden Review

Make A Wish Film Festival's Official Selection: Philip Brown, Producer discusses "The Socialists of Shoe City"

Hi Philip, based on your Political science studies, how have these studies influenced your work and your mission?

My background in Political Science and Public History has profoundly influenced my work and overall mission. It has helped me frame stories through the lens of power dynamics, societal structures, and social movements. In particular, I’ve been drawn to narratives where ordinary people confront systems of inequality—something deeply rooted in political theory. Studying political movements, especially the intersection of labor and socialism, has shaped my desire to explore these themes in my films. I want to highlight the importance of activism and public policy in shaping both past and present societies, and how historical struggles inform our contemporary challenges.
Have you always been passionate about films?

Yes, I’ve always had a passion for films, but my journey into filmmaking came later in life. While I originally focused on academia and writing, I found that film offered a unique and powerful way to tell complex stories, especially historical and political ones. The visual medium allows for a deeper emotional connection with the audience, which is especially important when covering topics like social justice and labor movements. My passion now lies in using film to make history accessible and engaging to a broader audience.
We know you have a short film documentary called “The Socialists of Shoe City” which has been officially selected at the Make A Wish Film Festival. Can you speak further about this project? How has this idea come to your mind?

“The Socialists of Shoe City” was inspired by Haverhill’s largely forgotten role as a hotbed of socialist activism in the early 20th century. Haverhill had a unique and significant labor movement, and it struck me that this rich history wasn’t being talked about or celebrated. The idea came from a combination of my academic background in political science and a desire to bring local history to light. I wanted to showcase how the city's shoe workers, led by figures like James F. Carey and John C. Chase, were part of a broader, national push for workers' rights and social reform. The documentary brings visibility to their contributions, which still resonate with today's discussions about labor and economic justice.
Who are James F. Carey and John C. Chase?

James F. Carey and John C. Chase were two prominent socialist figures in Haverhill’s political history. Carey was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives and a committed socialist who advocated for workers’ rights and equality. He was part of the political shift in Haverhill that saw the rise of socialism during the Progressive Era. John C. Chase was another key figure, becoming the first elected socialist mayor in the U.S., right in Haverhill. Both men were pioneers in promoting labor reforms and standing against the exploitation of workers. Their legacies remind us how local activism can have national and even global impact.
As you have been officially selected at the Make A Wish Film Festival, have you also attended any other film festivals?

Yes, “The Socialists of Shoe City” has been screened and selected at several film festivals beyond the Make A Wish Film Festival. It has received laurels at a few other festivals, and I’ve entered it into around 50 more this year. Each festival has been a unique opportunity to engage with audiences, share the history of Haverhill’s socialist movement, and connect with other filmmakers and activists. The reception has been wonderful so far, and I’m excited to continue sharing this important story.

The festival's winners will be announced online on September 30th for the following categories: Best Short Film, Best Director, Best Actor/Actress, Best Photography, Best Sound, and Best Screenplay.

Follow all the latest Make A Wish Film Festival updates on social media.



©2024 The Hidden Review

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Make A Wish Film Festival: Interview with juror Giulio Amendolagine


Giulio, as a young Italian guy in a different country like the UK, what moved you to move there? and what was your experience studying Film studies abroad at your University?

I always had the drive to move to a different country. I felt that at the time the Italian film industry had become stagnant. Moreover, I found that the education opportunities to become a filmmaker were relatively scarce in Italy. For these reasons I decided to move to the UK where open mindedness is at the base of education and work opportunities. My experience was great, I struggled but probably for the best. I was extremely motivated by my peers and their dreams, so much It gave me incredible self confidence in my own skills.
We know that the more you study, the more you improve and specialise in your field. How do you describe your experience at Metfilm in one word and why?

I’d describe my experience at MetFilm as professional. Only by finishing that Master’s degree I could feel the confidence to put myself out there and start selling myself as a Dop.
How do you approach the work on a script as a DOP?

When I work on a script I find necessary to understand as many “whys” as possible. I love helping the director to dissect the intentions of the story and find patterns in it. Only like that the cinematographer can shape the visual language of the film finding the rules and unique vision to apply to the film.
What is the work you are most proud of and why?

My proudest work is definitely “Just One Last Thing”. It’s the first feature film I’ve worked on as a Cinematographer. It was the first project I worked on for more than three months and it required extreme dedication, consistency and hard work. I was able to adopt my method of working on a larger scale film and was rewarded with something I’m extremely proud of. The film is now winning awards all over the Festival circuit and hopefully will get the distribution it deserves.
Now, as you are a juror, what moved you to be a part of the Make A Wish Film Festival?

I believe that as a filmmaker you have to constantly watch and learn from other people’s work. At the end of the day we all started loving films by being spectators, so refining the skill that allows you to find what you like and why is crucial to grow. For this reason I decided to take on the challenge of being a juror.
As you are evaluating the projects, what are the aspects that make a project stand out according to you? and even a Director of Photography?

I believe that what stands out for me in a project is consistency, awareness of the array of tools that can be used to tell that story and choosing the right one. As a director of photography the other things that are extremely important are mood and the sense of place. The budget used to make the film doesn’t matter, as a matter of fact restrictions can lead to intuitive creative choices unique to a project.

The festival's winners will be announced online on September 30th for the following categories: Best Short Film, Best Director, Best Actor/Actress, Best Photography, Best Sound, and Best Screenplay.

Follow all the latest Make A Wish Film Festival updates on social media.


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Batman Gets His Own Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame: A Hero’s Journey Through Cinema and Pop Culture

For more than eight decades, Batman has stood as one of the most iconic superheroes in popular culture. Whether fighting crime in the streets of Gotham City or appearing on the big screen, the Caped Crusader’s influence spans generations, mediums, and even cultures. Now, Batman’s legacy is being honored in Hollywood’s most prestigious fashion—by receiving his own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

The star, located at 6764 Hollywood Boulevard, sits in front of the Guinness World Records Museum, placing the Dark Knight alongside some of the most legendary figures in entertainment history. Fans and tourists alike can visit this spot to celebrate the hero who has inspired countless stories, films, and shows, standing as a reminder of Batman’s indelible mark on pop culture. The ceremony will take place at 11 AM (PT), bringing together fans from all walks of life to witness this monumental event.

Let’s take a look at Batman’s journey from comic book origins to Hollywood stardom, including the many actors who have donned the cape and cowl, the films that defined his legacy, and the impact he continues to have on fans around the world.
The Origin of Batman: From Page to Screen

Created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger, Batman made his debut in Detective Comics #27 in 1939. Unlike most superheroes at the time, Batman was unique—he had no superpowers. Instead, he relied on his intellect, physical prowess, and an array of gadgets to fight crime. Batman was a vigilante, haunted by the murder of his parents and dedicated to bringing justice to the corrupt, crime-ridden streets of Gotham City.

While Batman’s first home was the pages of comic books, it didn’t take long for him to leap into other media. His first live-action appearance came in a 15-chapter serial film in 1943, with actor Lewis Wilson portraying the Dark Knight. However, it wasn’t until decades later that Batman truly became a global phenomenon.
The 1960s: Camp and Cult Status

In 1966, Adam West brought Batman to life on television with the campy, colorful "Batman" TV series, which ran for three seasons and became a cultural sensation. Unlike the darker tones of the comics, this version of Batman leaned into humor and over-the-top theatrics, with West’s deadpan delivery and a rogues' gallery of memorable villains. The series’ success led to a feature film, cementing Batman’s status in popular culture, even if it wasn’t quite the brooding figure fans know today.

Adam West’s portrayal remains beloved by many, but it wouldn’t be until the late 1980s that Batman would become the dark and mysterious figure we now associate with Gotham’s protector.
Tim Burton’s Vision: Batman Goes Dark

In 1989, director Tim Burton redefined Batman for a new generation with his blockbuster film "Batman." Starring Michael Keaton as Bruce Wayne/Batman and Jack Nicholson as the Joker, this film brought a darker, more gothic interpretation of the character, setting the tone for future Batman films. Keaton’s Batman was stoic and intense, and Burton’s film marked the first time Batman was seen as a truly serious hero on the big screen. The film’s massive success proved that superhero films could be serious, artistic, and profitable.

Burton followed up with "Batman Returns" (1992), a darker and more complex sequel that continued to build Batman’s mythos with new villains like Catwoman (played by Michelle Pfeiffer) and the Penguin (played by Danny DeVito).
The Schumacher Era: A Return to Camp

After Burton stepped away from the director’s chair, Joel Schumacher took over the Batman franchise with a different vision. "Batman Forever" (1995), starring Val Kilmer as Batman and Jim Carrey as the Riddler, was a more colorful and lighthearted film, blending Burton’s darkness with the campy tone of the 1960s TV series. While commercially successful, Schumacher’s next film, "Batman & Robin" (1997), with George Clooney as Batman, was critically panned for its cartoonish tone and over-the-top style. The film nearly ended Batman’s film career, and it would take almost a decade for the character to recover.
Christopher Nolan’s Trilogy: The Dark Knight Rises

Batman was reborn in 2005 with Christopher Nolan’s gritty, realistic approach in "Batman Begins." With Christian Bale playing Bruce Wayne/Batman, the film explored Batman’s origins in depth, from his training with the League of Shadows to his transformation into Gotham’s vigilante protector. Nolan’s vision was grounded in realism, focusing on the psychological trauma that drives Bruce Wayne.

The sequel, "The Dark Knight" (2008), is widely regarded as one of the greatest superhero films ever made. Heath Ledger’s portrayal of the Joker earned him a posthumous Academy Award, and the film’s exploration of chaos, morality, and heroism elevated it beyond the typical superhero movie. It became a cultural phenomenon, grossing over $1 billion worldwide.

Nolan concluded his trilogy with "The Dark Knight Rises" (2012), bringing an epic, emotionally charged end to Bale’s portrayal of Batman. The trilogy’s success not only cemented Batman’s place in cinematic history but also set a new standard for superhero films.
Ben Affleck and Robert Pattinson: New Generations of Batman

In 2016, Batman was reintroduced in Zack Snyder’s DC Extended Universe (DCEU) with Ben Affleck taking on the role in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice." Affleck’s Batman was older, battle-worn, and deeply cynical, marking a significant departure from previous portrayals. He reprised the role in "Justice League" (2017), where he fought alongside Superman, Wonder Woman, and other DC heroes. Affleck’s version of Batman received mixed reactions, with some praising his intensity and others finding the characterization too bleak.

Most recently, Batman was reimagined once again in Matt Reeves’ "The Batman" (2022), with Robert Pattinson stepping into the cape and cowl. This version of Batman is younger, more vulnerable, and deeply noir-inspired, focusing on his detective skills as much as his physical abilities. The film was praised for its gritty realism, atmospheric tone, and fresh take on the character.
Batman’s Legacy: More Than Just a Superhero

Over the years, Batman has evolved from a comic book vigilante to a cultural icon. His story transcends genres—part detective, part action hero, part tortured soul. Batman represents the struggle between good and evil, the fine line between justice and vengeance, and the perseverance of the human spirit. His supporting cast, including Alfred, Robin, and Commissioner Gordon, and his extensive rogues’ gallery of villains, such as the Joker, Two-Face, and Scarecrow, have also become staples in the world of comics and cinema.

From video games like the Arkham series to animated shows like "Batman: The Animated Series", the character’s influence on entertainment is undeniable. He’s inspired countless creators, fans, and even other superheroes. Batman’s symbol has come to represent not just a hero, but an ideal—that with determination, anyone can stand up to the darkness.
Batman on the Walk of Fame

As Batman receives his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 6764 Hollywood Boulevard, it’s not just a celebration of a superhero—it’s a recognition of 80+ years of storytelling, imagination, and cultural impact. From Adam West’s campy capers to Christian Bale’s gritty realism, and now with Robert Pattinson’s noir detective, Batman’s legacy continues to evolve and inspire.

For fans, this star represents more than just a Hollywood accolade—it’s a tribute to a character who has fought for justice, faced down villains, and never backed down in the face of adversity. Batman’s journey from Gotham to Hollywood is complete, and his star will shine alongside the legends of cinema, just as his symbol lights up Gotham’s sky.


©2024 The Hidden Review

Prime Video - LOL: Chi ride è fuori, I protagonisti della quinta stagione

Prime Video ci ha svelato i nomi dei protagonisti della quinta stagione di LOL: Chi ride è fuori, il comedy show Original dei record prodotto in Italia. Federico Basso, Enrico Brignano, Flora Canto, Tommy Cassi, Raul Cremona, Geppi Cucciari, Valeria Graci, Andrea Pisani, Marta Zoboli si sfideranno a rimanere seri per sei ore consecutive provando, contemporaneamente, a far ridere i loro avversari, per aggiudicarsi un premio finale di 100.000 euro a favore di un ente benefico scelto da chi vincerà. Si unirà al cast anche quest’anno un aspirante comico, vincitore della seconda stagione dello show Original LOL Talent Show: Chi fa ridere è dentro. Ad osservare l’esilarante gara comica dalla control room nelle vesti di arbitri e conduttori, due nuovi host d’eccezione: Alessandro Siani e Angelo Pintus.

La nuova stagione del comedy show in 6 episodi è prodotta da Endemol Shine Italy per Amazon MGM Studios e sarà disponibile su Prime Video in oltre 240 Paesi e territori nel mondo nel 2025.

Dopo lo straordinario successo delle prime quattro stagioni, LOL: Chi ride è fuori torna per una nuova sorprendente stagione con l’esilarante sfida a colpi di battute fra i dieci professionisti della risata impegnati nel tentativo di strappare un sorriso agli altri partecipanti senza mai cedere alla comicità degli avversari, in una battaglia di sketch senza esclusione di colpi che mostra diversi stili comici: dalla stand-up, all’improvvisazione, fino alla commedia fisica e a tanto altro.

Alla prima risata di uno dei partecipanti, dalla control room scatterà un cartellino giallo di ammonizione, seguito alla successiva dal temuto cartellino rosso di espulsione dal gioco. L’ultimo sfidante che riuscirà a resistere rimanendo serio per tutte le sei ore di gioco sarà il vincitore, e potrà donare 100.000 euro a un ente benefico di sua scelta.

Anche in questa stagione il decimo sfidante nell’arena di LOL: Chi ride è fuori sarà uno fra i comici professionisti e amatoriali che si esibiranno davanti a una giuria d’eccezione nella seconda stagione di LOL Talent Show: Chi fa ridere è dentro. Elio e Katia Follesa, tra i protagonisti più amati delle passate edizioni di LOL, torneranno a vestire i panni di giurati e a loro si unirà Lillo Petrolo. Mentre Mago Forest, anche lui veterano del comedy show, accompagnerà i giudici alla ricerca del prossimo concorrente di LOL.

LOL: Chi ride è fuori è un adattamento del popolare show giapponese Original, HITOSHI MATSUMOTO Presents Documental, prodotto e interpretato da Hitoshi Matsumoto. Un format replicato con grande successo su Prime Video in quindici Paesi nel mondo, inclusi Messico, Australia, Germania, Francia, Spagna, Paesi Bassi, Svezia, Nigeria, India, Canada, Argentina, Colombia e Brasile, oltre alla versione giapponese e a quella italiana. Le prime quattro stagioni di LOL: Chi ride è fuori sono disponibili in esclusiva su Prime Video.

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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Make A Wish Film Festival: Interview with juror Best Tangwongsiri


Best, we know you are a terrific artist and we can see you have trained in UK for Acting, and scenography, however, you have experienced also the role of a producer, writer, and director. In which expertise do you identify the most? and why?

I would say acting. Because I spent the most time doing it. While I have experience producing, writing and directing, I never acquire a degree specifically for them. Don’t get me wrong, field experience is extremely important, but sometimes a textbook way of doing this is also important for the foundation of your work.

Moreover, you have worked as an art director, can you specify how that would work?

Well, just like any other jobs, you will get the script to read. You’d do your homework, what you think would add value to the film or play and how you can tell a story through art. Then you will have a chat with the director to settle ideas. After that, you will have to bring that idea to life! Budget is very important. It is something to take into account during pre production. It is always a fun challenge.

At the same time, as an acting coach, how do you approach the methods with theories with your students?

Since I am an actor, I know how each of my students would feel. I try my best to use what I learn from my teacher at drama school. She is a role model for me, as a teacher. The most important thing for me is to make sure that I create a safe space for students to work in and to make sure that they will have fun. As per theories and techniques, I keep myself busy by going to classes, to gather and update my library to make sure that I can help my students to become better actors.
What is the work you are most proud of and why?

I would say the work I did with my team for Thailand’s NACC on a project called Creative Drama Anti Corruption Workshop: “Youth against Corruption”, where I get to play many roles from acting teacher, producer, writer, director and actor throughout the project. It is not something famous or blockbuster level but I truly cherish the experience I have.

Now, as you are a jury member what moved you to be a part of the Make A Wish Film Festival, and what do you think about the representation you give to your community too?

I always love to be a part of something that would allow people to be seen. This one is no different. It gives people that opportunity! And I do hope that Make A Wish Film Festival can act as a springboard for many of our entries. Being a South East Asian, we don't excel in the film industry as many Western or other parts of Asia. So, I hope this will encourage my community to make more meaningful and excellent films.

As you are evaluating the projects, what are the aspects that make a project stand out according to you?

Film narrative and storytelling. I think this is the first key to a successful project. The story needs to have a reason to be told! It needs to and I quote Michael Chekhov here “Will what we are presenting have any positive value for them [spectators] as human beings?” It is easy to make a film, but it is very hard to make something meaningful, something worth watching, something that will give a positive impact as a result of watching it.

What do you wish for these projects you are evaluating?

I hope that they will learn and make even better films. There’s no limit to how good a film can be, so there’s always room for improvement. They should go further than they once were.

The festival's winners will be announced online on September 30th for the following categories: Best Short Film, Best Director, Best Actor/Actress, Best Photography, Best Sound, and Best Screenplay.

Follow all the latest Make A Wish Film Festival updates on social media.


©2024 The Hidden Review

Prime Video: Killer Heat coming soon on 26 September


Killer Heat, a thrilling, contemporary mystery in classic noir style. The movie follows private eye Nick Bali (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), an American expat in Greece, hired to investigate the supposed accidental death of young shipping magnate Leo Vardakis (Richard Madden) on the island of Crete. The victim’s sister-in-law (Shailene Woodley) doesn’t believe the official police report. But what exactly happened to Leo, and why?

Killer Heat arrives on Prime Video on 26 September.
Directed by Philippe Lacôte, written by Roberto Bentivegna and Matt Charman. Based on Jo Nesbø's short story "The Jealousy Man"

The Killer Heat's cast:

Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Nick Bali

Shailene Woodley as Penelope Vardakis

Richard Madden as Leo Vardakis / Elias Vardakis

Clare Holman as Audrey

Babou Ceesay as Georges Mensah

Abbey Lee as Monique


©2024 The Hidden Review

LOL 5: L’attesa per la quinta stagione del fenomeno comico italiano


Il ritorno di LOL - Chi ride è fuori, lo show comico più amato in Italia, è ormai alle porte con la sua attesissima quinta stagione. Il format, ispirato dall'originale giapponese e portato su Amazon Prime Video, continua a conquistare il pubblico con la sua formula vincente: un gruppo di comici famosi chiusi per sei ore in una stanza, con l’obiettivo di far ridere gli altri senza però ridere a loro volta.

Cosa aspettarsi dalla quinta stagione?

Se c’è una cosa che LOL ci ha insegnato in queste quattro stagioni precedenti, è che ogni anno porta con sé nuove sfide e sorprese. La formula base rimane invariata, ma i partecipanti cambiano, e con loro anche il tipo di comicità. Nelle passate edizioni abbiamo visto una grande varietà di stili, da quelli più surreali e assurdi (pensiamo a Lillo e Caterina Guzzanti) a una comicità più fisica e immediata.

I dettagli sul cast della quinta stagione sono ancora top secret, ma ci sono già alcune voci di corridoio che circolano. È probabile che assisteremo a una combinazione di volti nuovi e veterani della scena comica italiana, mantenendo così un giusto equilibrio tra novità e tradizione.

I nuovi conduttori: Pintus e Siani

Una grande novità di questa stagione è il cambio alla conduzione. Dopo quattro stagioni con Fedez al timone, la quinta vedrà due nuovi volti noti della comicità italiana al comando: Angelo Pintus e Alessandro Siani. Entrambi amatissimi dal pubblico, porteranno senza dubbio una ventata di freschezza allo show.

Pintus, con il suo stile energico e la sua capacità di imitare e improvvisare, è già una figura popolare all'interno del panorama comico italiano, e il suo humor irriverente sarà perfetto per un programma come LOL. Siani, noto per il suo umorismo napoletano e la sua ironia sottile, aggiungerà una nota di eleganza e calore meridionale alla conduzione. La loro chimica sarà cruciale per mantenere alta la tensione comica e accompagnare gli spettatori attraverso i momenti più esilaranti del gioco.

Il successo di LOL: perché piace così tanto?

Parte del fascino di LOL - Chi ride è fuori risiede nel contrasto tra la semplicità del format e la complessità del controllo emotivo richiesto ai partecipanti. Ridere è una reazione naturale, soprattutto in presenza di talenti comici esperti. Guardare professionisti del divertimento che cercano di rimanere seri di fronte a situazioni esilaranti crea una tensione che cattura l'attenzione del pubblico, facendolo immedesimare nel gioco.

Oltre a questo, il programma offre una vetrina unica per i comici italiani, permettendo loro di esplorare lati diversi del proprio talento. Spesso vediamo i partecipanti uscire dalla loro zona di comfort, sperimentando nuovi tipi di battute e sketch, il che aggiunge un ulteriore livello di imprevedibilità allo show.

Ospiti speciali e sketch inaspettati

Come da tradizione, anche quest’anno non mancheranno ospiti speciali e sorprese che renderanno la competizione ancora più difficile per i comici in gara. Negli scorsi anni, i "disturbatori" hanno avuto il compito di mettere in difficoltà i concorrenti con sketch improvvisati, e questa stagione potrebbe riservare sorprese ancora più originali. Chissà quali altri volti noti entreranno nella stanza per cercare di far crollare i concorrenti con risate inaspettate.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Make A Wish Film Festival: Interview with juror Nathan Mann


Nathan, how did you identify yourself as a writer? Who inspires you the most?

I like to write things that make people laugh, cry and think. I like stories that are rooted in humanity and common themes that everyone in life will experience in one form or another, whether that be relationships, passions and other coming–of-age experiences.

I am inspired by writers including Matthew Graham, Ashley Pharoah, Cathy Crabb, Tom Davis, Jed Mercurio and Russell T Davies. All of those have brilliant storytelling abilities, creating clear, engaging shows which are impossible to stop watching once you have begun.
Moreover, you graduated from The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, such a huge drama school worldwide, how was your experience there and what did you discover about yourself after that?

I found my time there insightful and useful. I had only ever really written musicals before joining Central, and the Writing for Performance degree greatly helped me expand my skill set, and I gained new experiences writing for different mediums, including children's theatre, immersive theatre and solo performance. Due to having to complete some of the degree during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, I also learned much about how to tailor and adapt my creative practice to new mediums (such as digital theatre) and how I can write about these experiences in engaging, reflective ways.
At the same time, you have worked on unscripted television, how did you approach that through your writing?

My work in unscripted television inspired my writing massively. I was inspired whilst working in that industry to write an autism sci-fi dramedy where the autistic protagonist is working as a development researcher in that industry. I have gained great feedback for the pilot script and treatment, and I am continuing to develop it.
What is the work you are most proud of and why?

I would say there are two projects I am most proud of in their own ways.

The first one would be my jukebox musical that I wrote and directed at college. I used my love of Adele’s music to write a jukebox musical about my autistic experiences. Collaborating on this with other students helped me gain the friendships I had been longing for since I became a teenager. I got Goosebumps when writing, making me realise this was my passion. Those feelings have remained since.

The second one would be my current project: the aforementioned sci-fi tv series. Due to my long-suspected (and recently diagnosed) ADHD, I was always worried I wouldn’t have the mental energy to sustain a tv project that requires constant excellence and relentless drive for a sustained period of time. However, despite all the challenges that my brain can give me, I keep both sustaining my passion for this show, and having the enthusiasm to make it better. I am really optimistic for where it can go in the future.
Now, as you are a jury member what moved you to be a part of the Make A Wish Film Festival, and what kind of representation do you give to the community too?

I have long respected Al Fenderico’s work and enthusiasm for the company he has worked so wonderfully to build. Festivals like this are so important to discover new writers (especially those from under-privileged and minority backgrounds), As a gay, autistic working-class writer, I have been thrilled to judge the scripts and hopefully give positive representation to the groups I am part of, showing that I am proud of my intersectionality.
As you are evaluating the projects, what are the aspects that make a project stand out according to you?

Something that is unique, daring and relatable. For example, I have always had a belief that the best sci-fi scripts are ironically the ones that feel the most real. By that, I mean ones that can still create and explore somewhat wacky worlds but involve characters being pushed and having to make important, relatable decisions for the advancement of their desires. Life on Mars (and its sequel Ashes to Ashes) were brilliant examples of this. Here you have present-day police officers seemingly being plunged back in time, but through that they visit members of their families, learn about the very non-PC, often discriminatory worlds of the 1970s and 80s worlds they are in, while also still trying to solve crimes and protect the innocent. The world may be barely believable, but the characters' emotions and actions are so real.
What do you wish for these projects you are evaluating?

Something that grips me from beginning to end.

The festival's winners will be announced online on September 30th for the following categories: Best Short Film, Best Director, Best Actor/Actress, Best Photography, Best Sound, and Best Screenplay.

Follow all the latest Make A Wish Film Festival updates on social media.


©2024 The Hidden Review